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电话: 15889792589
传真: 86-61218396
姓名: Tina Luo
saswell group ltd

  Saswell Control Co., Ltd. is the major manufacturer in China for HVAC thermostats and valves. Founded in 1999, aimed at developing, producing better performance and better quality HVAC products in China, Saswell has won the trust from domestic and international clients for our product quality and services. Today, Saswell brand products are being exported throughout the world. With a strong R&D and engineering team, Saswell can customize the product designs at our clients' requirements in a v

主要产品/业务: main manufactory room thermostat ;HVAC room thermostat ;touch screen thermostat ;floor heating thermostat ;cooling and heating thermostat;ball valve;manifold for floor heating system

saswell group ltd / 广东 / 3/F, Plant K, No. 8, East Region, Shangxue Science & Technology (518120) / 电话:15889792589

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